Enumeration ConnectiveWordConst

The kind of connective words used in option requirements.

Enumeration Members

and: 0

The word used to connect two logical expressions in conjunction.

equals: 4

The word used to connect two expressions in equality comparison.

no: 3

The word used to connect a logical expression in non-existence.

not: 2

The word used to connect a logical expression in negation.

notEquals: 5

The word used to connect two expressions in non-equality comparison.

numberSep: 9

The word used to connect two number values in succession.

optionAlt: 6

The word used to connect two option names in alternation.

optionSep: 7

The word used to connect two option names in succession.

or: 1

The word used to connect two logical expressions in disjunction.

stringQuote: 10

The quote character used to enclose a string value.

stringSep: 8

The word used to connect two string values in succession.