Enumeration ErrorItemConst

The kind of items that can be thrown as error messages.

Enumeration Members

deprecatedOption: 23

Warning produced by the parser when a deprecated option is specified on the command-line.

disallowedInlineParameter: 5

Raised by the parser when either a niladic option or a positional marker is specified with an inline parameter.

duplicateClusterLetter: 25

Raised by the validator when there are two identical cluster letters.

duplicateEnumValue: 18

Raised by the validator when either an enumeration constraint or the truth and falsity names have duplicate values.

duplicateOptionName: 16

Raised by the validator when there are two identical option names.

duplicatePositionalOption: 17

Raised by the validator when there are two or more positional options.

emptyEnumsDefinition: 15

Raised by the validator when either an enumeration constraint or the truth and falsity names have zero length.

emptyPositionalMarker: 6

Raised by the validator when a positional option has an empty positional marker.

enumsConstraintViolation: 19

Raised by both the parser and validator when a value fails to satisfy either an enumeration constraint or the truth and falsity names.

incompatibleRequiredValue: 14

Raised by the validator when an option uses a value of incompatible data type in a requirement.

invalidClusterLetter: 27

Raised by the validator when an option has an invalid cluster letter.

invalidClusterOption: 26

Raised by the parser when either a variadic option or a command option is specified in the middle of a cluster argument.

invalidInlineConstraint: 34

Raised by the validator when a variadic option declares an inline constraint.

invalidNumericRange: 30

Raised by the validator when a number-valued option has an invalid numeric range.

invalidOptionName: 8

Raised by the validator when an option has an invalid name.

invalidParamCount: 31

Raised by the validator when a function option has an invalid parameter count.

invalidRequiredOption: 12

Raised by the validator when an option references either a non-valued or an unknown-valued option in a requirement.

invalidRequiredValue: 13

Raised by the validator when an option uses a nullish value in a requirement referencing an option that is either always required or has a default value.

invalidSelfRequirement: 10

Raised by the validator when an option references itself in a requirement.

invalidVersionDefinition: 9

Raised by the validator when a version option has an empty version string.

limitConstraintViolation: 22

Raised by both the parser and validator when a value fails to satisfy an array limit constraint.

missingInlineParameter: 33

Raised by the parser when an option is specified without an inline parameter, despite it being required.

missingPackageJson: 4

Raised by the parser when it fails to find a "package.json" file when resolving the version.

missingParameter: 3

Raised by the parser when an option parameter is expected but was not specified.

missingRequiredOption: 2

Raised by the parser when an option that is always required was not specified.

mixedNamingConvention: 29

Warning produced by the validator when a name slot contains names with different naming conventions.

rangeConstraintViolation: 21

Raised by both the parser and validator when a value fails to satisfy a number range constraint.

regexConstraintViolation: 20

Raised by both the parser and validator when a value fails to satisfy a string regex constraint.

tooSimilarOptionNames: 28

Warning produced by the validator when an option name is too similar to other names.

unknownOption: 0

Raised by the parser when an option name is not found, with possible option name suggestions.

unknownRequiredOption: 11

Raised by the validator when an option references an unknown option in a requirement.

unnamedOption: 7

Raised by the validator when a non-positional option has no name.

unsatisfiedCondRequirement: 24

Raised by the parser when an option's conditional requirement is not satisfied.

unsatisfiedRequirement: 1

Raised by the parser when an option requirement is not satisfied.

variadicWithClusterLetter: 32

Warning produced by the validator when a variadic option declares cluster letters.